Online Ordering Now Available!I am very excited to announce that Stampin' Up! now offers Online Ordering. You can access the online catalog and Online Ordering system via my Stampin' Up! demonstrator business website: (click here to go to my website)
Simply Click on the
Shop Now button right under my information in the top right hand corner of my website. This will bring you to the online version of the catalog.
The new online catalog is wonderful!! You can simply click on the category of item you are looking for. There is an incredible new search feature as well. Just double click on the pictures to get a larger view.
Now, I never want Online Ordering to replace the special relationship I have with each and every one of my stamping friends. I still would prefer that you call me or email orders so we can stay in touch. But, Online Ordering is perfect for when you need to order something ASAP before you forget....or an item that you see one of your stamping buddies using....when you're on vacation....when I'm on vacation, etc...
Check out the on line ordering today & I will be happy to answer any questions you may have!!